Saturday, September 8, 2012

2012: A Financial Crisis aka Let's Kill all the Baby Boomers.

A speech:

The aged and retired have always constituted a major economic drain on whatever society in which they live.

In these difficult economic times, the only way to revitalize our economy and reduce our debt, is by cutting costs.

In this time in history, much of our population are retirees.

Some people have proposed cutting federal expenditures on Medicaid and Social Security, but why not pull the problem out by the root?

Our generation is young! And intelligent! And it has a future!

The possibilities of our future should not be hindered by those who have no future.

I know it will be tough.

I know it will be difficult.

But, in these difficult times, in the long run, it will be the best thing for our nation to use all that money for something more valuable.

Building and growing jobs. Education. Inspiring our young people to excel and lead us into the future.

For the next generation to succeed, we MUST drop the ballast that is the old generation.

We have to kill all the baby boomers.